
Tuesday 9 August 2011

welcome back post

my last post is on may, and now is august. has been 3 months. long time no pooost! Here I am, has changed my uniform, from now on and next 3 years I'll wear this white-gray uniform, haha! but, the uniform isn't the matter, the matter is the assignment. okay.
Yap, sekarang saya bersekolah di SMAN 3 Bandung yang berlokasi di Jalan Belitung nomor 8 yang berbagi bangunan dengan SMAN 5 Bandung. lupakan tentang predikat blablabla SMA yang sekarang saya kenakan lencananya, concernlah pada tugas dan prinsip belajarnya yag dapat membuat hati anak SMP terguncang ( ha ha ha)
Those are my general description about my new school for this welcome back post. see ya!

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